Music and Hearing Loss

Music is a pathway that can lead us through perceived limitations to a world of creativity and self-expression.

Check out this video of a young musician who lost her hearing at age 18, and is still composing music and performing today. 

Mandy Harvey is a singer-songwriter working on her fourth album. She was studying music in college when she lost her hearing. She sings by feeling vibrations in the floor, and by using the muscle memory of her vocal cords to sing notes.

Canadian Journal of Music Therapy

Exciting news! My Masters thesis, "An Inquiry into the Collective Identity of Canadian Music Therapists"has been referenced in the latest volume, 21(1) 2015, of the Canadian Journal of Music Therapy. The scholarly publication, "Canadian Music Therapists' Perspectives on the Current State of Music Therapy as a Profession in Canada", by Erin Gross and Laurel Young cited my thesis in their qualitative research study. 

Thank-you for continuing this important research on the field of Music Therapy in Canada!